THREELAC™ is a unique specialty probiotic, specifically formulated to help defend against Candida and fungal overgrowth. Produced in Japan, it comes in a naturally lemon-flavored powder. The manufacturer suggests that THREELAC™ be taken once daily, although if additional support is desired, one should build gradually to a higher number of packets for the first 60 days. The amount needed may vary from person to person.
What is unique about THREELAC™?
THREELAC™ is a blend of one lactic acid bacteria and two soil based bacteria that reduce fungal and yeast organisms. The powder is microencapsulated (enteric coated), which delivers the organisms live into the intestine in large numbers. The main strain of the bacteria is Enterococcus faecalis, which supports the other two strains, Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus coagularis in the Candida and fungal fighting properties. THREELAC™ has been sold in Japan since 1992 and has been imported in the US since 2004. It is now sold all over the world.
What other ingredients are present in THREELAC™? 
THREELAC™ is dairy (casein 30 ppm or less), wheat, corn, soy and gluten free. Since the three strains present in THREELAC™ feed on yeast, a small amount of refined brewers yeast is present to keep the bacteria alive. The product also contains FOS, galactomannan (a fiber source), lemon juice powder, and canola oil. Small amounts of vitamin C, vitamin B-6, thiamine and riboflavin are also present because they are inherent in the brewers yeast.
What are other considerations I need to know when using THREELAC™?
The manufacturer recommends using THREELAC™ for three months, then stopping for one week. THREELAC™ can present die-off reactions as eradicated Candida release toxins.
Does the FDA test THREELAC™ when it comes into the US?
Yes, the FDA randomly performs periodic checks for purity and bacterial contamination before releasing a shipment for sale.
For more detailed information about THREELAC™ go to the following website:
THREELAC™ does not require refrigeration under normal storage conditions. It should not be subjected to temperatures above 120 degrees F and should not be frozen. As with all products, Kirkman® will ensure proper storage and shipping conditions are maintained.
THREELAC™ is supplied as 60 packets of 1.5 gm each.